I’m so proud of our community and how, through a little bit of care for a long time, we make our corner of the world better.

Some time ago, we won a victory to build better bike connections into the city. But there was a small problem. People in Alphington couldn’t actually get on to the path. There was a massive fence bordering the private land along the path.

Our beautiful path was right there, but we couldn’t get to it!

Through the kind of patient and thoughtful work Alphingtonions are good at, all the parties got together and figured out a way to make the obvious easy.

Take note – people who want to build stuff in Alphington. We pay attention and won’t let you get away with dumb shortcuts!!

If you think you’d like to be a part of this kind of work around the place, come & join APMAG. We’d love to see you!
Many hands make light work, and the result is a better community for all.
