Many Alphington locals have noticed and commented on the pathway along the river frontage of the AMCOR site having been closed because a tree has fallen into the river and the path has collapsed.  There are two additional trees adjacent to the fallen tree that are have had their roots undermined and are in danger of also falling. This is currently being confirmed by an Arborist.  The image below locates these trees.
The two red circles are the two trees being investigated for safety and stability.  The dotted line is the fallen tree, and the two blue vertical lines (not very clear) show where the path is closed.

APMAG is actively engaged with key stakeholders (City of Yarra and Glenvill)  to ensure the cause of this damage is fully understood and addressed as a matter of urgency, so that other parts of the site that may be at risk can be protected. It is also a priority to ensure public safety of both river users and pedestrians at all times.

While investigations are still underway APMAG and has been advised that the likely cause of the path collapse and trees being undermined is groundwater flowing across the riverbank.  This is being actively investigated and monitored by the developer this week with a hydro-geologist engaged to investigate the source of the groundwater. 

The image below was taken by myself last week, and shows the collapse of the path.

The trees are located in a High Risk Area as defined by Glenvill’s environmental consultant. Glenvill has stated that “…The soil disturbance has been inspected by qualified Hygenist (Prensa) and there is no asbestos at the location of the trees, however given the nature of the works and the status of High Risk any soil works in this location will be undertaken under controlled asbestos conditions as a precaution

APMAG in conjunction with SAFCA is planning a community forum later this month to address these issues in detail. Watch this space for further information.