The Alphington Paper Mill site is going to see some important changes today, as the trees along Heidelberg Road are removed.

These gums have grown tall and slender alongside the sheer paper mill wall, and their roots rely on the wall for stability. When the wall is removed, the trees would not survive.

In preparation for the Heidelberg intersection upgrade, the buildings, and therefore the trees will go.

Yarra council people will be onsite to ensure no more than the approved trees will go, and a zoologist will be there to ensure the animals that live there are considered.

Given we can see these plant species thrive in this location, their seeds have been gathered by the council for replanting across the site.

APMAG is not sure right now if the works will interrupt traffic in the area, so take care in the area.

If you’d like more detail on the process required to remove trees in Yarra, see…/Planting-an…/Tree-removal/

And if you’d like to know more about the intersection upgrade, have a look at…/…/