Yarra Council’s riverbank report will be considered by council on Tuesday, 27th August. The interim report investigates the riverbank slumping and why groundwater has increased.  

The report says the development is causing increased ground water, but that not much can be done in the short term to reduce further slumping. It does recommended:

  • sealing and filling the existing and proposed sedimentation ponds,
  • manage surface water from the gravel carpark at the top of the escarpment with better diversion and drainage.
  • fill the cracks on the bank as soon as possible, to stop rainwater making them worse.
  • the remaining tree that’s at risk can still be saved, and shouldn’t be removed yet.

The report recommends it’s safest if the path stay closed while this is done, and that the decision is at the discretion of Glenvill, as owners of the riverbank.



Tree 1 was felled last Friday and fell safely into the river.  Glenvill are working with Melbourne Water to sink and secure both fallen trees in the river to from aquatic habitats.

Full report is available at:

If you have any concerns or comments on the Alluvium report that you wish APMAG to raise at the Council meeting next Tuesday please let us know at your earliest convenience, email: president@apmag.org.au.