It’s taken so long to fix the drainage on the riverfront, mature trees are suffering permanent damage and are likely to not survive. In fact the machinery has churned up the surrounding area, and the area is so damaged, we have seen sightseers driving their car down on to the riverfront like they thought it was a carpark!

APMAG is seeking a meeting with Kat Theophanous to discuss the old growth trees at risk on the riverfront, and push for the area to be repaired, and the treasured local walking path to be safely reinstated so it can be used until permanent ownership and landscaping can be established – which may take years!

Glenvill is reported to be working with Council on cleaning up after the drainage works and remediation as required, and yet they were not aware of the mature trees suffering damage and die back.
They have committed to APMAG to follow up on the arboricultural reporting and review when the next inspection was to occur. They will also review the reporting on the water levels and drainage and that ongoing reporting will go back to Council.
 The Victorian Minister for the Environment advised our local Upper House Member, Fiona Patten, over a year ago that a Committee of Management for this Riverfront Parkland would be appointed by June 2021.  APMAG will pursue this issue with the assistance of Fiona Patten and Kat Theophanous.