Over the past weeks a number of safety and development concerns have been discussed between Yarra Council and Glenville – including carparking, VCAT negotiations, Boiler house demolitions and the road surface on the Harker St crossing.

We have an update on the road surface safety issue. Glenville have undertaken and completed safety testing on the bluestone road surfaces and have taken their proposal to rectify the problem to Yarra Council. The goal is to improve the surface grip and make the bluestones less slippery

Council have agreed for the contractor who laid the paving to undertake rectification works on all the bluestone intersections. These works will start next week, on Wednesday 28th April and are expected to take eleven days to complete. Works will be undertaken Monday to Friday from 7:00am – 5:00pm.

In the interim, safety signs will be around the area, so take care out there. If you have any questions, a recent Yarra Bend newsletter directs you to their customer care team at customer@yarrabend.com.au