VCAT has published that the hearing of Alphington Developments Pty Ltd v Yarra City Council will be at 10am on Monday January 31st.

The Case references are #P1815/2020 and #P1816/2020.

The Zoom ID is private, however. It is only shared with people who receive a VCAT email or notice, according to instructions on how to join a video conference see instructions here.
VCAT does not even offer the ability to observe without participating – a well known capability of the Zoom platform.

This approach actively excludes community representation to a public tribunal – continuing the lack of public accountability.

SAFCA has requested access to observe the public tribunal, but VCAT has not responded, or given any rationale around why this public tribunal is limiting access.

SAFCA and APMAG will continue to pursue public access, make a statement of grounds and otherwise lobby on behalf of the Alphington community concerned with promises made in the DPO, and new Yarra Bend residents who’ve invested based on the promise of city views, space & amenity

When the public is shut out of the DPO & appeal process, and Yarra Bend sales contracts contain gag clauses & limitations on community objections, APMAG remains concerned at the lack of basic transparency and accountability.

We continue to rely on Yarra Council to represent us in the room.

Every height limit on Chandler highway is broken